Reflecting on his experience in Montgomery, AL. ‘‘I will never forget Montgomery, for how can one forget a group of people who took their passionate yearnings and deep aspirations and filtered them into their own souls and fashioned them into a creative protest, which gave meaning to people and gave inspiration to individuals all over the nation and all over the world’’ (Papers 5:359).- Martin Luther King, Jr.

VamosTogether is a nonprofit organization in Montgomery, Alabama that strives to forge a grassroots alliance and advocacy movement for civil rights, social justice, and dignity for all people, especially those in the South and in Alabama who face discrimination because of their citizenship or HIV status.

VamosTogether is determined to mobilize and humanize the fight against the civil and human rights violations caused by immigration laws like HB56 in Alabama and the national ADAP (AIDS Drug Assistance Program) funding shortage.

We reject the idea that anyone is illegal.  An action of theft is illegal, but a person is never illegal.  For a nation that was founded by immigrants, we believe immigrants only strengthen our communities and contribute ingenuity and drive to our economy.

Through our The Voices Project we will publish the voices, faces, and testimonials of immigrants and the most marginalized groups of our communities- these are the people who are not heard in the capitols in Montgomery, Atlanta, Phoenix, or Washington D.C .

Affirming the words of the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., that a threat to justice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere, we will show that communities can come together. We will stand up together. We will go forward together. VamosJuntos. VamosTogether.

There is enough love and good will in our movement to give energy to our struggle and still have plenty left over to break down and change the climate of hate and fear around us.

Cesar Chavez

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